Developmental history of orgonomic functionalism
by Wilhelm Reich, M.D.
Since the best way to introduce someone to a new realm of knowledge is to describe the process by which it has evolved, I shall attempt to introduce the reader to orgonomic functionalism by presenting the uniformity of the results which have been obtained over a period of three decades.
Thus far, I have provided essentially thematic and historical descriptions. What I now want to do is to rearrange the familiar material, the many observations, clinical and experimental facts, and theoretical conclusions, and I want to do this in such a way that the rationality of consistent natural research presents itself to us in a logical sequence of observation, hypothesis, experimental confirmation, and new findings. This arrangement of the orgonomic facts will ultimately lead us to formulate functional equations which will link up with the thought operations of classical mathematics and provide satisfactory insight into the modus operandi of a thinking being who seeks to comprehend the natural world around him.
Objective, functional logic and man’s reasoning
by Wilhelm Reich, M.D.
The chain of events that unfolds during basic natural research demonstrates the logic of connections between various natural phenomena. The young research scientist experiences the unfolding of the logical chain of events as if there existed such a thing as “reason” in the universe. This is especially true when mathematical logic enters into the chain of sequences. It is most likely that the first ideas about an absolute “world spirit,” no matter what you name it—in other words, the beginning of religious thought—emerged from man’s capacity to observe and to reason about nature in such a fashion that consistent, objective logic emerged from this activity. We also have good reason to assume that at some time in the historic past the human animal was flabbergasted at this ability to follow logical chains of events that were beyond himself. What we are used to calling “objective natural science” is the summation of such chains of logical connections beyond ourselves.