From W. Reich’s book: “The discovery of the orgone – Volume II: The cancer biopathy”

Experiment: The different pole of the secondary coil of an induction apparatus (an old diathermy apparatus, for instance) is connected by ordinary electric appliance wire to an iron plate, 2 feet long and 1 foot wide. The iron plate is insulated on the underside with wood. A similar metal plate is then mounted above and parallel to the first at a distance of 6 to 12 inches and in such a way that it can slide up and down. The top side of the upper metal plate is insulated with a piece of plastic celotex, or like material the same size as the plate and 1/2 inch thick. Electric wire connects the two iron plates to a simple cylindrical bulb of about 40 watts set between them. The primary current of the induction apparatus is maintained at the minimum level necessary to make the bulb glow. How this glow is obtained will depend, of course, on the nature of the induction apparatus used.

Meter 005

C: secondary coil system;
i: indifferent pole;
d: different pole
O: organic material
M: metallic material
OF: luminating orgone energy field
S: centimeter scale
B: 40-60-watt tungsten bulb
E: electric eye G: galvanometer

Diagram of orgone field meter device

Observation: 1. An argon gas tube (fluorescent tube) held in the hand and moved toward the upper metal plate luminates. The distance from the plate at which it starts to glow depends on the strength of the primary current. The light goes out when we place the gas tube on the upper plate and take away our hand. The lumination returns as soon as we move our hand close again, and it becomes particularly strong if we touch the glass of the tube. The lumination is most intense between the two metal plates, and fades steadily as the distance from the apparatus is increased. The lumination is intermittent. By this method we can determine exactly the energy field of the orgone energy field meter.
2. The cylindrical bulb between the two metal plates begins to luminate more intensely when we gradually lower our hands toward the upper plate. The lumination becomes especially intense if we actually lay our hands on the upper plate. (To prevent the possibil¬ity of electrical shocks there should be no metal on the surface of the plate.) The more body surface we bring close to the upper plate, the stronger the lumination becomes. By carefully adjusting the strength of the primary current, we can even perceive pulsations of the heart, in the form of slight fluctuations in the intensity of the lumination.
3. A static leaf electroscope shows no deflection when we approach its plate with the palm of the hand. But if we put the electroscope in the energy field of the apparatus, on its upper plate, and then move the palm of the hand toward the plate of the electroscope—without touching it, of course—the electroscope leaf will be influenced.
4. A freshly cut branch with many leaves makes the bulb luminate, although the lumination is weaker than that elicited by the hand. A live or freshly killed fish placed upon the upper metal plate produces the same effect. Note that the longer the fish has been dead, the feebler the lumination. Eventually it fades completely. The same gradual decrease in intensity is also true for the branch.
5. There is no lumination when we bring an old piece of wood close to the upper plate. (We, of course, make sure that the wood is long enough so that our own orgone energy field does not come into contact with the orgone energy field of the apparatus.) An iron plate held above and parallel to the upper plate does make the cylindrical bulb luminate, however.
6. The argon gas cannot be made to luminate in the energy field of an X-ray machine of 60-80 kilovolt.


1. In contrast with simple, electrical high-tension voltage, the secondary coil of an induction apparatus develops an orgone energy field that can be demonstrated by the lumination of an inert gas, such as helium, argon, or neon, without any direct wire contact being necessary.
2. The orgonotic lumination is the result of the contact between two orgone energy fields.
3. The lumination effect can be achieved only by contact between an orgone energy field and the field of a living organism, not through contact with non-living, organic matter. This means that the living organism is distinguished from the non-living in that it has an orgone energy field.
4. By installing a sensitive electric eye opposite the cylindrical bulb, the luminating energy can be transformed into electrical energy and measured in electrical units by means of a galvanom¬eter. The orgone field meter can thus be used for the determination of the intensity and range of the orgone energy field of a living organism.

The lumination of an orgone energy field