Watch some short video recordings of capillary red blood cells of volunteers in normal saline (in conditions similar to the ones existing during the Wilhelm Reich Blood Test), at various stages of on-going bionous disintegration, up to three hours of microscopic observation. Initially, notice the bions gradual appearance on the membrane of the red blood cells, the progressive dissolution of the membrane’s cohesiveness and the release of bions in the extracellular space. Observe the vigorous movement of the freely detached bions, the development of various formations, possibly originating from the released cellular content which is caused by the dissolution of the cell membrane. Also watch the impressive and vigorously pulsating formations that develop and organize around the destructured red blood cells which look like kites.

1. Red blood cells, 5 minutes after blood draw (1600x)

2. Red blood cells, 11 minutes after blood draw (1600x)

3. Red blood cells, 17 minutes after blood draw (4000x)

4. Red blood cells, 22 minutes after blood draw (4000x)

5. Red blood cells, 24 minutes after blood draw (4000x) (dark field)

6. Red blood cells, 26 minutes after blood draw (4000x) – bion size is 2,4μ (dark field)

7. Red blood cells, 33 minutes after blood draw (4000x) – bion formation (dark field)

8. Red blood cells, 60 minutes after blood draw (4000x) (dark field)

9. Red blood cells, 80 minutes after blood draw (1600x) (dark field)

10. Red blood cells, 90 minutes after blood draw (1600x) (dark field)

11. Red blood cells, 91 minutes after blood draw (4000x & 1600x) (dark field)

12. Red blood cells, 96 minutes after blood draw (4000x) (dark field)

13. Red blood cells, 98 minutes after blood draw (4000x) (dark field)

14. Red blood cells, 102 minutes after blood draw (4000x) (dark field)

15. Red blood cells, 130 minutes after blood draw (4000x) (dark field)

16. White blood cells, 130 minut1es after blood draw (4000x) (dark field)

17. Red blood cells, 132 minutes after blood draw (4000x) (dark field)

18. Red blood cells, 162 minutes after blood draw (4000x) (dark field)

19. Red blood cells, 164 minutes after blood draw (4000x) (dark field)

20. Red blood cells, 170 minutes after blood draw (4000x) (dark field)

21. Red blood cells, 195 minutes after blood draw (4000x) (dark field)

22. Red blood cells, 210 minutes after blood draw (4000x) – Βion formations’ length is 30μ (dark field)

23. Capillary blood: 4000x (dark field) – red blood cells 20 min after blood draw

24. Capillary blood: 4000x – red blood cells 20 min after blood draw

25. Capillary blood: 1600x – red blood cells 20 min after blood draw

26. Capillary blood: 4000x (dark field) – red blood cells 20 min after blood draw

27. Capillary blood: 4000x (dark field) – red blood cells 5 min after blood draw

28. Capillary blood: 4000x – red blood cells 5 min after blood draw

29. Capillary blood: 1600x – red blood cells 5 min after blood draw