In our Laboratory, we use the Reich Blood Test regularly, in order to evaluate the development of the disease in cancer patients who use systematically the ORAC or are undergoing psychiatric orgone therapy, or detect early precancerous or cancerous processes in the organism. In the following excerpt from the book “The Cancer Biopathy”, you can read a brief description of the techniques used in our laboratory
Of course, the organs themselves cannot be examined directly for evidence of the putrefaction of the organism. It can be established and evaluated only by examination of the blood and excreta. Since shrinking and bionous disintegration always precede putrefaction, it is essential to observe the form and function of the erythrocytes in particular. Healthy erythrocytes are full and taut, and at 2000x can be seen to pulsate. Erythrocytes in the process of shrinking are smaller, often not oval but round, and their pulsation is either restricted or lacking altogether. Healthy blood corpuscles have a wide, strongly glowing blue orgone margin. In contrast, shrinking erythrocytes have a narrow, faint orgone margin. Instead of being taut, they often have a shriveled membrane. If the process of shrinking has not advanced far enough for the shrunken membranes to be immediately visible (T-spike formation: “poikilocytosis”), we observe how rapidly the red blood cells decay, i.e., shrink in physiological salt solution. Healthy erythrocytes retain their normal form for up to a half hour and even longer. Shrinking erythrocytes, or those with a tendency to shrink, often disintegrate in seconds or after just a few minutes, showing a serrated membrane and forming the so-called T-spikes (cf. Fig. 19). The T- spikes are an indication of an advanced cancerous degeneration. The term “cancerous” is here synonymous with shrinking (the “sympatheticotonia” of the erythrocytes). Healthy erythrocytes disintegrate into blue bions—slowly in salt solution, rapidly on autoclavation—whereas cancerous erythrocytes disintegrate almost completely into T-bodies (the cancerous “T-reaction” in contrast to the normal “B-reaction”).
FIGURE 19. Deformed erythrocytes as seen in the blood of advanced cancer patients. Bion formation in the center, T-spike formation at the membrane (“sympatheticotonia” of the erythrocytes)
Healthy blood yields no cultures of bacteria in bouillon. Cancerous blood on the other hand yields cultures of rot bacteria and T-bacilli. Rot bacteria and T-bacilli can also be observed microscopically in the blood of cancer patients (though not at magnifications less than 2000x).
Examination of the blood is therefore particularly useful for the early detection of cancer. In fact, I would like to venture the assumption that the blood is the first system to be affected by systemic contraction and subsequent shrinking of the organism. Blood is, after all, the “sap of life” which binds all the organs into one whole and provides them with nourishment. Blood therefore plays the major role in orgone therapy for cancer. For that reason the orgonotic function of the blood must be fully understood.