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On qualification and recognition

The American College of Orgonomy (ACO) on its website, in its link regarding Orgonomy in Europe, states that it recognizes—obviously as qualified—only certain doctors as practicing medical orgonomy in Europe. These doctors, because they are experienced and characterologically restructured to a satisfying degree and also because they take part in the ACO’s continuing training program—which includes active participation in the clinical seminar, patient supervision by more experienced orgone therapists and, the most important, uninterrupted personal therapy—are guaranteed to provide safe and effective application of psychiatric orgone therapy. So the College recognizes ONLY those as medical orgone therapists.

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Okasa about philosophy of science

Philosophy of science – A very short introduction By Samir Okhasa The following excerpt was published in the book Philosophy of Science, A Very Short Introduction, Oxford University Press, 2002, pp. 12-17. What is philosophy of...

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Popper about science

Science as falsification By Karl R. Popper The following excerpt was originally published in Conjectures and Refutations London: Routledge and Keagan Paul, (1963), pp. 33-39; from Theodore Schick, ed., Readings in the...

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Hadjidakis on fascism

Neo-Nazism is not the others By Manos Chatzidakis (June 15th, 1994 – Manos Chatjidakis crosses the threshold of immortality. A few months before his death, he wrote the following, which was published in the program of a concert...

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Τhe term "orgonetherapy" does not refer to the use of devices accumulating orgone, or other constructions made by Reich, neither is it connected with them in any sense. Ιnstead it is about the same characteranalytic vegetotherapy, which Reich later renamed into orgone therapy, when he considered he discovered a universal energy in the atmosphere, which was of the same nature and origin as the libidinal energy of the organism.