From the book Ether, God and Devil/Cosmic Superimposition by Wilhelm Reich, M.D., Farrar, Straus & Giroux, New York 1973, pp. 139-161

It is not our objective here to prove the existence of an all-pervading ether; neither is it intended to prove the identity of the cosmic orgone energy and the postulated ether. All that is to be established at this point is the fact that there exists an all-pervading, observable and demonstrable energy. It is filling gaps in the comprehension of the universe, gaps that many generations of physicists and philosophers tried hard, but in vain, to fill with the concept of an all-pervading “ether” as the primal substratum of the basic functions in nature.

The time in which cosmic orgonomic functions have been studied is very short. It comprises not more than a decade. However, all observations within this short period have led to the following conclusion:


First, let us summarize the general conclusions that follow from the fact that there is no empty space; and, second, let us summarize the phenomena that have forced upon us the conclusion that the primordial cosmic energy, hitherto postulated as the “ether,” has been finally discovered in a practical and concrete manner, accessible to direct observation and experimentation.

1. All physical theories resting on the assumption of “empty space” tumble if, and only if, the abstract mathematical structures that were to replace the concrete physical qualities of space cannot be reconciled with the new factual observations.

2. The qualities that characterize “space” must be of a strictly physical nature, observable and reproducible in high vacuum.

3. The theoretical supposition of an “ether” continues to be valid. The phenomena in the “vacuum” must agree with the qualities that had to be ascribed to the ether in order to explain the functions of field actions in space, such as gravity, light, attraction at a distance, “transmission of heat from the sun to the earth,” etc.

4. The negative result of the Michelson-Morley experiment, which was designed to demonstrate the ether, must be comprehended.

The premises that led to the performance of the Michelson-Morley experiment rest on incorrect assumptions. Orgone physics starts from entirely new observations and new theoretical assumptions. Seen from a basic orgonomic viewpoint, reasoning itself must be understood as a function of nature in general. Accordingly, the results of mere reasoning must be secondary to observable functions of nature. As functionalists, we are mainly interested in the observable functions of nature; from there, we arrive at the functions of human reasoning by way of the emotional (bio-energetic) functions within observing man. As long as observable nature does not constitute the starting point for human reasoning, and, furthermore, as long as the function of reasoning itself is not deduced in a logical and consistent manner from observable functions of nature within the observer, all results of mere reasoning unsupported by observations are open to basic methodological and factual questions. This is clearly shown in the conclusion drawn by mere reasoning from the negative outcome of the Michelson experiment. Though I must leave a thorough critical evaluation of this experiment to the physicists, who are at home in the realm of its premises, the following remarks may be justified on the basis of some observations in or gone physics:

a) One of the premises of the Michelson experiment was the assumption that the ether is at rest; the earth, accordingly, moves through a stationary ether. This assumption is clearly proven incorrect by observation of the atmospheric orgone. If the “ether” represents a concept pertaining to the cosmic orgone energy, it is not stationary, but moves more rapidly than the globe of the earth. The relation of the earth’s sphere to the surrounding cosmic orgone ocean is not that of a rubber ball rolling on stagnant water, but of a rubber ball rolling on progressing water waves. Thus the first assumption of the Michelson experiment becomes invalid.

b) Orgonomic observations make it essential to separate, within the function of “light,” the “lumination” from the “excitation,” which is propagated through space with the “speed of light.” Light, accordingly, does not move at all but is a local effect of orgone lumination. Thus the second premise of the Michelson experiment becomes invalid, if one accepts—as one is forced to do—the clear-cut orgonomic observations in nature. I refer here to the orgonomic lumination effect in high vacuum, to the phenomena of “dawn,” to the aurora borealis, to the corona of the sun, the luminating ring of Saturn, etc. If “light” is due to local orgone lumination and does not “travel through space” at all, it is quite understandable that in the Michelson experiment no phase difference could be observed in the light beams which were “sent” in the direction of the ether “drag” and perpendicular to it.

5. The physical functions in the vacuum must not contradict any cosmic functions at the basis of the planetary motions. On the contrary, they must, in due time, lead to an integration of the function of the primordial cosmic energy with the motions of the heavenly bodies.

6. There must be definite reasons why generations of physicists and astronomers have failed to demonstrate the ether in the strict sense of physical functions. These reasons are to be found in the functioning of the observer and in the method of human thinking itself.

We shall now proceed to summarize the more important functions that have been observed and demonstrated in what I termed “cosmic orgone energy” since its discovery in bionous matter in 1936 and in the atmosphere in 1940.


Certain orgone energy functions can be demonstrated wherever man is capable of directly observing nature and of setting up the appropriate instruments that react to these energy functions, e.g., thermometer, electroscope, Geiger counter, magnifying glass, darkroom lined with sheet iron, and living organisms, be they protozoa or cancerous mice, anemic human beings, or proteus bacilli.


No arrangement has yet been found by means of which one functioning realm of mass-free orgone energy can be distinctly delineated from another, as one electric line can be sharply delineated from another. Therefore:

We must comprehend the living organism as an organized part of the cosmic orgone ocean, which possesses special qualities called “living”; we fail to understand this organism bio-energetically if we adhere to the mechanical energy potential. This mechanical potential, be it thermical, electrical or mechanical motion, is always directed from the higher to the lower, or from the stronger to the weaker system, and never vice versa. On the other hand, the living organism would not only not be able to keep up a much higher energy level as compared with the environment; it would also lose its heat, its motility, its energy into the surrounding, energetically lower, environment in a very short time. And the question would remain unanswered how it came about that such an organism could come into being in the first place. We cannot get around the fact that there is in nature another energy function, our so-called REVERSED, ORGONOMIC POTENTIAL; orgone energy flows from the weaker or lower to the stronger or higher system. This not only agrees with the basic functions of living organisms, but also can be directly observed in non-living nature, e.g., the function of gravity or the “growth” of clouds in the sky.

The orgonomic potential does not contradict the old mechanical potential. In fact, it explains how it is possible that a higher energy level can exist at all. It is true that, in accepting this function, the “second law of thermodynamics,” the absolute formulation of the “law of entropy,” becomes invalid. We know that many physicists feel uncomfortable with this law anyhow. And we have had to abandon many other such beliefs of absolute nature, e.g., the conservation of matter or the unchangeability of chemical elements.

The orgonomic concept of energy functions in the living organism as it emerged from observation and deduction is the following:

1. The living organism, as the stronger energy system, draws its energy from the lower energy level: ORGONOMIC POTENTIAL. This is valid not only for the organism as a whole, but for the nucleus in each living cell, which draws energy from the surrounding, energetically lower protoplasm.

Diagram of the ORGONE ENERGY METABOLISM in living bodies.

2. Each type or species of organism possesses its specific energy level; it has a special “orgonotic capacity.” Otherwise, the living organism would not stop accumulating energy and would burst or grow indefinitely.

3. All surplus of energy is discharged according to the mechanical potential (from the higher to the lower level) in mechanical movement, in orgastic convulsions, in radiation of heat, etc.

4. There exists, accordingly, an orgone energy metabolism, a continuous exchange of energy in the cohesive unit called organism. To summarize its main functions: maintenance of a certain capacity level by means of charging from the surrounding orgone ocean and from foodstuffs, and by energy discharge into the surrounding energy ocean. The lower the capacity level, the weaker the capacity for charge, as in the shrinking biopathy. In the dying organism, the capacity to charge and to maintain the level of functioning is slowly lost. The capacity level sinks until it reaches the level of the surrounding orgone ocean. In the putrefaction process after death, the opposite of what went on during original growth occurs. The material tissues lose their cohesion due to loss of orgone energy; they fall apart; finally the unit disintegrates into bions and then into rot bacteria (proteus bacilli, etc.).

The main characteristic of orgone energy appears to be motion and, with it, metabolism. There exists such a thing as stoppage of orgone energy motion as, for instance, in severe cases of anorgonia. Such stoppage leads inevitably to a lowering of the capacity level and thus to final disintegration of the orgone unit called organism, as in death. I have been told that disintegration due to lack of orgone metabolism also occurs in wooden buildings that remain uninhabited over long periods of time. If we could find the reason why the capacity level of orgone systems is lowered after a certain period of functioning (“aging”), we would be able to approach in a practical manner the problem of how to lengthen life.

ORGONE ENERGY IS PRESENT “EVERYWHERE,” AND IT FORMS AN UNINTERRUPTED CONTINUUM. This continuum varies in different places with regard to its “denseness” or “concentration.” We are still using these mechanical terms borrowed from the language of the physics of matter although orgone energy is not of a material nature. Therefore, we must be prepared to replace these terms with others that are more fitting to describe the functions of orgone energy. Orgone penetrates all space, including space occupied by solid matter. It penetrates a wall of cement just as it does a wall of steel. The difference lies in the speed of penetration: cement absorbs and discharges orgone energy slowly; steel attracts orgone energy strongly and quickly, but it also reflects it instantly, since metal seems incapable of holding orgone energy. This fact may have some bearing on the function of rapid energy flow through metal wires.


The physical functions abstracted in orgone physics as “orgone energy” are always and everywhere in motion, or, expressed differently, moving. To this date, it has been impossible to ascertain an orgonotic condition that, with reference to another particular system, could be defined as “immobile” or “unchanging.” A rock, which, in the physical sense, represents a certain material variation of the cosmic orgone energy, can be described as “resting” with reference to a second rock next to it; the orgone energy, however, which can be physically demonstrated in the rock, is never resting with regard to the same frame of reference.

Can the basic “law of the conservation of energy” be reconciled with the existence of an orgonomic potential? It probably can. A first tentative suggestion to this effect is offered in the following assumption: while some orgone units are forming in the orgone ocean by concentration, others terminate their single existence by energy dissipation into the orgone ocean. Thus, the energy lost by discharge or “deaths” of a number of orgone units would be picked up again to be concentrated in other units. The “running down of the universe” toward random functions would in this way be counteracted by new births of high energy potentials due to reversed concentration (“Creation”). The orgonomic (reversed) potential would make entropy unnecessary.

Orgone energy is basically of a dynamic, metabolic nature. This would seem to be true for any kind of energy, since energy is a function of motion, and vice versa. But classical physics speaks of “potential energy” as, for instance, that contained in water in a high basin. Nothing of the kind can be found in orgone energy; it never shows any condition that could be called static or immobile, except in its form of solid matter. It is this dynamic character of orgone energy that underlies the functionalism of all known orgone phenomena; this is true even for mechanical manifestations such as the sinus wave or free fall. Therefore, movement, dynamics, functionalism, changeability constitute specific, i.e., inseparable qualities of the cosmic orgone energy.

Within the framework of this motility, we can, by means of observation and experiment, discern many different kinds of motion:

a) Wavy motions

We can clearly see wavy, rhythmic motions over smooth water surfaces of mountain lakes and in the sky. This motility, too, is not uniform but varies continuously. There are no two parts of the surface of a lake that would have an equal motion at one and the same time. In addition, the wavy motion shows different rhythms at different times; the oscillations constantly embrace different areas. We search in vain for a mechanically uniform, static motion or condition. There is nothing within the realm of primal orgonotic functions that would appear as mechanical repetition. There seems to exist no law at all except the one of

b) Pulsation

ALL WAVY MOTIONS OF THE PRIMORDIAL ORGONE ENERGY PULSATE. It is necessary to distinguish the wavy form of orgone motion from its pulsation. The pulsation differs from the wavy motion in that

1) pulsation consists of alternatingly expanding and contracting movements, while the wave is a steady progression of wave crests and wave troughs;

2) in pulsation, the medium, e.g., the water in the lake, seems to move from a certain center in all directions to and fro, while in waves the water swings up and down, thus marking the crests and the troughs of the progressing waves that run over the water’s surface;

3) the pulsatory motion on the lake’s surface moves slowly from west to east or not at all, while the waves run much faster in the same direction;

4) pulsation is an essentially discontinuous process, while wave motion is a continuous process;

5) pulsation is a function in three dimensions of space as manifested in the sphere-shaped propagation of radio signals. Waves, on the other hand, are, if examined singly, two-dimensional functions defined by wave length and frequency only.

If we follow the path of a certain wave crest or wave trough, we obtain a continuous line; the wave form itself is a continuous line. However, following the positions of extreme expansion or contraction in the pulsatory function, we obtain points and not a line. Through observation of the motion of atmospheric orgone at mountaintops, we can clearly discern pulses and waves. The pulsatory peaks are superimposed on the course of the waves in the following manner:

Ether God & Devil Fig 2

Schematic presentation of the differences between pulses (p) and waves (w)

My attention was first called to this basic difference between p and w in 1935 when I measured and photographed bio-energy at the skin surface. It was not until 1948 that I understood the inner functional interrelation between pulses and waves in the orgonotic system. This was made possible by utilizing orgonotic pulses in setting a spinner type of motor into rotary motion.1 In the original observation, the pulses p were superimposed on the wavy motion of the organismic orgone energy like mountain peaks on a mountain range:

Ether God & Devil Fig 3

Whereas in the mechanism of a radio transmitter the pulsatory signals are, according to the theory, transformed into waves synchronically, the pulses of the heartbeat are not synchronized with the rhythm of the orgone waves. The pulses are distributed regularly while the waves are in a state of constant change. This is true for the living organism as depicted in the sketch above. It also seems to be true for the motion of the atmospheric orgone.

From now on, we shall designate the symbol p for pulses and the symbol w for waves. These distinctly separate functions of the one basic function of PULSATION (P) will later be studied thoroughly in certain orgonometric functions. They express a most important relationship between discontinuous (p) and continuous (w) functions of nature. We shall have to find out how and to what extent these functions are related to Planck’s quanta (discontinuum) and to classical wave mechanics (continuum).

As a preliminary measure, we may try to coordinate p, w and P functionally in the following manner:

Ether God & Devil Fig 4

Thus, pulsation would constitute the common functioning principle of both pulses and waves, the two varied functions of pulsation. It will require elaborate functional deductions to derive the energy formula of orgonotic primal pulsation from relevant cosmic functions. They will be given in a different context.

c) The west-east movement of the atmospheric orgone envelope

The west-east direction in the motion of the atmospheric orgone energy has great significance independent of the special variations that appear in the wave motion and in the pulses. The west-east direction is in agreement with the direction of rotation of the earth’s sphere; thus, it is also in agreement with the general direction of rotation in the planetary system. A reversal of this generally valid direction on the earth’s surface takes place only before thunderstorms or heavy rain occurring to the west of the observer. The following diagram illustrates the reversal of direction in the movement of the orgone energy envelope.

Ether God & Devil Fig 5

This reversal can be explained without contradiction by the attraction exerted upon the freely moving orgone energy at R by the highly concentrated orgone in the clouds to the west (to the west of the thundercloud no reversal will take place, since the attraction will act in the same direction as the general motion of the orgone envelope). It is hard to state definitely whether or not the strong west— easterly wind, which often arises after the clearing of the sky, i.e., after the return of the west-east direction of orgone motion, is a consequence of the filling of the gap () that arose because of the reversal at R.


A room of at least 6 ft. sq., made completely light-tight and lined with sheet metal on the inside, is required to observe the orgone energy phenomena in the dark. After about 15 to 30 minutes’ adaptation, the room appears BLUISH-GRAY and not black. Slow-moving, foglike formations are clearly discernible; the longer we sit in the dark metal room, the more distinct the light phenomena become. After some time, bluish-violet, strongly luminating light points appear. Later, when our organism has excited the orgone energy in the room to a sufficient extent, a “concentration” sets in the foggy formations; rapid, yellowish-white, lightninglike streaks of light (“Strichstrahlen”) cross the room in all directions. We can magnify these whitish rays by observing them against an opaque, plastic screen with a magnifying glass (4x-6x). For a more detailed description of darkroom phenomena, I refer the reader to chapter IV of my book The Discovery of the Orgone, Vol. II., The Cancer Biopathy.


In 1939, when I first discovered and observed the orgone lumination in the darkroom, I believed that orgone energy consisted of three distinct forms: bluish-gray, foglike formations, deeply blue- violet luminating dots, and whitish, rapid rays. Since then, these three forms have been found not to be distinct types of orgone energy, but three forms of one and the same energy under different conditions. Orgone energy changes from the foglike to the raylike condition when it is excited or irritated. Such excitation can be stimulated by

a) metallic substances; metal does not hold or absorb orgone energy, but reflects it rapidly, thus constituting an “obstacle,” if such a mechanistic term is applicable at all in the realm of orgone functions, i.e., ether functions.

b) living organisms in the metal-enclosed darkroom; the organismic orgone energy apparently excites the atmospheric orgone energy and vice versa.

c) electromagnetic, discontinuous field action; an induction coil system will speed up the change from the foglike to the raylike formation quite considerably in 20 minutes instead of the customary 1 to 2 hours.

Every type of condition and form is mobile, dynamic, differing in speed, and never static- mechanical.


The visibility of orgone energy in the darkroom is obviously due to the function of lumination. Orgone energy “emits” or “develops light,” or, expressed differently, it functions in such a manner that our visual sense perceives light; it luminates. This orgonotic lumination, no matter under what conditions it may occur, is in most cases of a bluish-gray, bluish-green or bluish-violet color. This distinguishes orgone lumination from other types of lumination such as that of gases; neon gas luminates red, argon white, helium green. Orgonotic lumination in a vacuum is distinctly bluish-violet and it produces a blue reaction on color film.

The lumination is strongest when there is an exciting contact between two orgone energy fields or between an orgone energy field and an electromagnetic field.

Orgonotic lumination is “cold”; no heat develops as, for instance, in the passage of electricity through thin wire or as in chemical combustion. Atmospheric conditions such as sheet lightning over wide areas of the sky, the wavy aurora borealis, and the bluish St. Elmo’s fire, together with the soft glow of glowworms and the bluish lumination of wood that has disintegrated bionously, are examples of “cold” lumination functions of orgone energy.

Microscopically, orgonotic lumination in living cells and in bionous matter can be observed in the strong refraction of light. Strongly charged earth bions or red blood cells show a strongly luminating aura around the membrane. When these cells weaken and lose their orgone charge, this aura, or energy field, disappears.


Whereas orgonotic lumination is “cold,” other functions of orgone energy are accompanied by a more or less marked rise in temperature. The heat level of living organisms is usually higher than the temperature of the surrounding air, and the temperature of the earth’s atmosphere is constantly higher than the much lower temperature of surrounding space. At the orgone accumulator, a constant temperature difference (To—T) is maintained between the air directly above the accumulator and the air surrounding it. These differences vary, on the average, from 0.3° to 1.5°C in closed rooms; in the open air, they often reach high values such as 15° to 20°C in the sun. This temperature difference is apparently due to heat developed by the reflection or stopping of the kinetic energy of the orgone energy motion at the metal walls. Removal of the inner metal walls reduces the difference to 0° or nearly 0°.

According to the current orgone-physical assumption, the continuous difference To—T is a manifestation of a concentration of orgone energy in the orgonotic system, be it a living organism, the planet, or an orgone accumulator. It demonstrates the “orgonomic potential” from the lower to the higher level, and it contradicts the general, unrestricted validity of the second law of thermodynamics. There exists not only a process of dissipation of energy in the form of heat, but also the reverse process of the building up of energy.


“Static electricity” is a specific function of the atmospheric orgone energy. Paradoxically, the theory of electricity assumes that the atmosphere is both free of electrical charges and full of static charges, “static” being of an electrical nature. Sheet lightning and thunderstorm lightning have remained unexplained. Orgonomy demonstrates the charges in the atmosphere by means of the spontaneous electroscopic discharge, the so-called natural leak in classical physics. This discharge is more rapid in a less concentrated orgonotic atmosphere and slower in a more highly concentrated one. It is, furthermore, slower at noon than in the early morning and evening; this fact contradicts the ionization theory (cf. The Discovery of the Orgone, Vol. II, The Cancer Biopathy.)


Two-to-threefold concentration of orgone energy in the atmosphere is indispensable for many orgonomic procedures and experiments. Certain experiments do not succeed in the natural atmospheric concentration, such as, for instance, the charging in high vacuum. The necessary concentration is achieved by the presence of an “orgone room” or several orgone accumulators in the building where the experiments are carried out. The orgone accumulator is capable of concentrating atmospheric orgone energy by the arrangement of its layering. It consists of two or more (up to twenty) layers, each constructed of nonmetallic substance on the outside and sheet iron or steel wool on the inside. This arrangement influences the atmospheric orgone energy in such a manner that its movement toward the closed space is greater than toward the outside. An “orgonomic potential” is created from the lower level outside toward the higher level inside and is continuously maintained; the orgonomic potential can be demonstrated by the slower discharge of electroscopes on the inside and by the constant temperature difference above the upper metal plate (To—T).

Concentrated orgone energy has many beneficial effects on living organisms, which I have tried to describe in my book The Cancer Biopathy.


Human organisms with low orgonotic potency or severe armoring do not perceive orgone energy phenomena easily, in contradistinction to healthy organisms. People suffering from a cancerous shrinking biopathy do not feel the orgone in the accumulator until after several days or even weeks, i.e., until they have become sufficiently charged. Orgonotic perception, too, is weakened in observers with low orgonotic potency. Such experimenters will, for instance, not be able to produce lumination in a gas tube. Furthermore, they will have difficulties in discerning the light phenomena in the dark and they will be unsure about the sensations of heat and prickling that the well-charged organism perceives so easily.

The biophysical structure of the observer is, therefore, of the utmost importance in orgonomic work. Severely armored individuals easily develop anxiety in the darkroom when they become aware of the lumination. On occasion they react with panic. They will try to interpret away the phenomena with empty words such as “It’s only subjective,” or “It’s mere suggestion,” or similar statements.

The structure of the observer is of importance since it is the organismic orgone energy in his sense organs that reacts to the external orgone phenomena. The inclusion of the structure of the observer in the judgment of natural phenomena is a very important, if not decisive, step forward toward the integration of the subjective and the objective, the psyche and the physical. It is chiefly the ignorance of the biophysical and depth-psychological functioning of the observer that has led mechanistically oriented scientists into the dead end street where theoretical physics finds itself today. These scientists, who otherwise have demonstrated such an excellent critical sense of inquiry, are still adhering to old, outmoded psychological thinking. They cling to a “consciousness” that somehow has no basis in the organism, no rooting in biophysical processes. They are unaware of the great progress that has been made during the first part of this century in connecting the functions of perception with the functions of the emotions, and in connecting the emotions with bio-energetic, i.e., truly physical, processes in the observing and reasoning organism. Natural-scientific research is an activity that rests on the interaction between observer and nature, or, expressed differently, between orgonotic functions inside and the same functions outside the observer. Thus, the character structure and the senses of perception in the observer are major, if not decisive, tools of natural research. We do not doubt for a moment that the physiological structure of a surgeon plays a decisive role in the operation he performs; or that the sense of balance and rapid movement in the flier are decisive for the mastery of aviation. But, in natural research, this principle has been badly neglected and misinterpreted. I fear that it is the emotional and, within the emotional realm, especially the biosexual, functions that have kept the classical researcher from closing the gap between observing (biopsychic) and observed (biophysical) nature.

In the realm of non-living nature, too, orgonomic research finds its best orientation when it adheres to what it has learned in the realm of living nature about the intensity of organ sensations, about the function of the orgastic convulsion, about the endoptic phenomena, about biophysical field reactions beyond the skin surface of the organism. The unimpeded orgonotic functioning in the observer and the experimenter is, therefore, a requirement of the very first importance in orgonomic natural research. It is regrettable that the thinker in classical physics does not find his way toward the understanding of the bio-energetic functioning in the observer and that he is inextricably bound up with the view of a phenomenological psychology of some fifty years ago, in which “consciousness” and “reason” are still floating freely, unrooted, unconnected, and uncomprehended in “empty space.”

I wish to summarize the functions that have been attributed to the ether by many researchers who tried to describe the general substratum of all known physical phenomena. It is amazing to find that most of these functions, which have never been observed directly, coincide with many functions of the cosmic orgone energy, which have been observed directly and reproduced experimentally. The biopsychiatric problem that amazes us is this:

Observers of nature have described the cosmic primal energy correctly as far as its main functions are concerned. Still, they have been unable to make contact with these functions except by deduction; direct observation and experimentation with the ether were closed to them. It is obvious that this fact is not to be attributed to the ether but to the observer. Therefore, the problem is a biopsychiatric one. It is mainly concerned with the biophysics of perception, the interpretation of sense impressions and organ sensations. As the whole development of orgonomy has so clearly demonstrated, there was only one access to the physical study of the ether, the orgonotic current in man, or, expressed differently, the “flow of the ether” in man’s membranous structure. For many ages, religion has called this primal force “God.” We begin to understand now why most of the great physicists who dealt with cosmic problems, especially those of the ether, such as Newton, were occupied so intensely with the problem of God.


As required for the ether As observed in cosmic orgone energy
1. Exists universally. 1. Exists universally; orgone accumulators operate everywhere.
2. Fills all space. 2. Fills all space; orgone energy can be demonstrated in a vacuum.
3. Penetrates all matter. 3. Penetrates all matter.
4. Is the source of all energy. 4. Varies and manifests itself as heat, “static electricity,” thunder- and sheet lightning, electricity, magnetism, gravitational attraction.
5. Changes into matter or mass. 5. Superimposition of two or more orgone energy waves (“Kreiselwelle”) results in a mass particle.
6. Is responsible for the cohesion of atoms.


6. Keeps unit of matter, bions, together. Cohesive force become free and demonstrable when solid matter disintegrates into bions = orgone energy vesicles.
7. Transmits light. 7. Transmits orgonotic excitation with the “speed of light”; “light” is a manifestation of orgonotic lumination and is of local character.
8. Is transparent. 8. Is transparent; can become visible as “refraction of light,” as “heat waves” and “bad seeing.”
9. No heat in ether. 9. Most orgonotic functions are “cold”: lumination, movement through wire, attraction. Flowever, reflection by metal creates heat, as does highly mobile concentration within matter, planet, organism.
10. No loss of energy. 10. No loss of energy; however, there is an “energy metabolism”:

a) flow toward higher level;

b) maintenance of higher level, “capacity”;

c) discharge toward lower level.

11. Is resting, stationary; earth moves through ether like a rotating ball on stagnant water. 11.  Is always in wavy and pulsatory motion; the orgone envelope moves more rapidly in the galactic orgone ocean than the earth’s globe; analogy is that of a ball rolling on water waves more slowly than the waves.
12. “Cannot be demonstrated”; misinterpretation of Michelson experiment was due to assumption that the ether was stationary and that “light” traveled through space. 12.  Is clearly demonstrable everywhere visually, thermically, electroscopically, with Geiger counters; accounts for phenomena in nature hitherto unexplained: “natural leak,” “bad seeing,” “field action in empty space,” “static,” “cosmic rays,” blueness of sky, ocean, distant mountains, “ionized cosmic dust” in aurora borealis, etc.