From Wilhelm Reich’s book Cosmic Superimposition: Man’s Orgonotic Roots in Nature, Orgone Institute Press, pp. 53-63

We are turning now toward the macrocosmic phenomena of orgonotic superimposition. The bridge from the microcosmic and bio-energetic to the macrocosmic realm is contained in the well- established principle of the “orgonomic potential.” This basic function is sufficient to explain the growth of microcosmic into macrocosmic orgonotic systems. The first superimposition of two orgone energy units necessarily disturbs the equilibrium of the evenness of distribution of cosmic energy through formation of a first “stronger” energy system. This first stronger system from now onward attracts other, weaker units and thus grows. There is basically no limit to the growth of an orgonotic system except by solidification or freezing of energy into inert mass. This same principle also holds for living orgonotic systems. Solidification of the bone system demonstrates clearly the limitation of infinite growth in metazoa. Similarly, it may be assumed that the formation of a solidifying core in a macrocosmic system must impede its further growth.

However obscure the detailed functions of such growth still may be, classical astrophysical research has already clearly though unknowingly demonstrated that the creation of certain galactic systems is due to superimposition of two cosmic orgone energy streams. Most “spiral galaxies” show two or more arms that unite toward the “core” of the total system.

The following photograph of a spiral nebula was taken at the Mount Wilson Observatory, March 10 and 11, 1910, with the 60-inch reflector telescope (exposure 7 hrs. 30 min.). The nebula is numbered G9—M 101, NGC 5457 (cf. fig. 26).

Superimposition Fig 026

Fig. 26. Messier 101, spiral nebula (Mount Wilson photograph)

At least four arms are clearly discernible, and possibly five or six arms constitute the total system. There cannot be any reasonable doubt as to the spiraling motion depicted in the photograph. It is a most impressive picture of cosmic superimposition of more than two cosmic orgone energy streams. At the center we see the nearly circular form of the future “core” where the merger of the various streams takes place. It is the growing initial disc-like core of the galactic system.

Various opinions have been voiced in astrophysical literature as to whether the arms of the spiral nebulae indicate a dissipation or unification of the galactic systems. At least one astronomer, Harlow Shapley, astronomer at Harvard University, expressed the belief that the spiral nebulae with their arms indicate the beginning stage of a growing galaxy.[1] The existence of the orgone energy compels us to support and to qualify this view. It makes many features of the total picture of the spiral nebula comprehensible:

  1. The unmistakable expression of the spiraling motion.
  2. The rotation of the total system.
  3. The superimposition and merger of two or more cosmic energy streams.
  4. The beginning solidification of the denser core.
  5. The birth of a gravitational center of the total structure.
  6. The orgone energy envelope of so many heavenly bodies, which rotates faster than the material core.
  7. The differentiation into a hard “core” and a “periphery” with an energy “field” of the heavenly orgonotic system.

Of course, countless problems remain unsolved. However, as a workshop form for future detailed inquiry the orgonomic hypothesis seems most promising and deserves to be tested by observation and measurement.

As an appropriate model for our future workshop tasks, the following assumption regarding the stages in the development of fixed star systems seems necessary.

First phase: Moving streams of cosmic orgone energy, still unformed, structureless, with little or no effective differences in density potentials, the “irregular” galaxy (cf. fig. 27).

Superimposition Fig 027

Fig. 27. “Irregular ” galaxy (Mount Wilson photograph)

Second phase: Mutual approach of two or more such cosmic orgone energy streams, followed by superimposition and formation of a spiral nebula with two or more arms (cf. fig. 26).

Third phase: Merger and fusion in the spiraling center followed by concentration and microsuperimposition with the effect of creation of matter and a progressively hardening core, or nucleus.

Fourth phase: Formation of a disc-shaped or spheroidal galaxy; progressive slow-down of total motion; disappearance of the arms of the spiral form, as best represented by Spiral Galaxy NGC 4565 and by NGC 891 in Andromeda (Mount Wilson Observatory photograph, cf. fig. 28).

Superimposition Fig 028

Fig. 28. NGC 891, Andromeda, spiral nebula on edge (Mount Wilson photograph)

Our own galactic system, as manifested in the “Milky Way,” still shows clearly the spiral form with two arms.

Fifth phase: Formation of a globular cluster which consists of already clearly differentiated single stars, densest toward the center of the total cluster (cf. fig. 29).

Superimposition Fig 029

Fig. 29. Messier 13, “Great Hercules Cluster ” (Mount Wilson photograph)

Here is the natural limit of our survey. It is, however, essential to allow the same functions that govern the formation of galactic systems also to govern the formation of single stars within the galaxy and of single planets around a fixed star. The ring of Saturn seems to demonstrate its origin from a disc-shaped concentration of orgone energy.

The basic form of the cosmic, galactic superimposition is the same as the basic form of organismic and microorgonotic superimposition; (cf. fig. 30).

Superimposition Fig 030

Fig. 30. Cosmic superimposition of two orgone energy streams

The function of cosmic superimposition is most clearly visible in the following illustrations: In the spiral form NGC1042 (cf. fig. 31):

Superimposition Fig 031
Fig. 31. A drawing from Fig. 32 showing the direction of flow
of the two orgone energy streams

Superimposition Fig 032

Fig. 32. A microdensitor analysis of a spiral form by Miss F. S. Patterson, working on a photograph made at Oak Ridge, according to Shapley’s Galaxies

Here two cosmic orgone streams seem to be approaching each other from nearly exactly opposite regions of space.

In the spiral form NGC1566 (cf. fig. 33):

Superimposition Fig 033

Fig. 33. NGC 1566, a southern spiral galaxy photographed
with Harvard’s southern reflector

Superimposition Fig 034

Fig. 34. A drawing from fig. 33, showing the direction of flow
of the two orgone energy streams

Here the angle of approach is 180° less approximately 23°-25°.

In the spiral form G 10 (cf. fig. 35):

Superimposition Fig 035

Fig. 35. Messier 81, spiral form G 10 (Mount Wilson photograph)

Here the approach is nearly exactly from opposite directions in a parallel manner (angle of approach, 180°).

Superimposition Fig 036

Fig. 36. A drawing from fig. 35 showing the direction of flow
of the two orgone energy streams.

These examples may, for the moment, suffice to demonstrate the high probability of the orgonomic work hypothesis regarding the creation of spiral nebular forms from superimposition of two or more cosmic orgone energy streams. Thus, not matter, particles or dust, but primordial orgone energy would constitute the original “stuff” from which galaxies are made. It is clear that this hypothesis tends to compete with the atomic theory, which places material particles in the form of “cosmic dust” at the very root of cosmic creation. The orgonomic, energetic hypothesis requires that matter emerge from orgone energy through superimposition in the microcosmic domain just as the whole galaxy emerges through superimposition in the macrocosmic domain.

[1] “The possibility that the end products of spirals such as ours may be spheroidal galaxies appears to be worth considering. It is proposed only as a working hypothesis. On such a plan, the evolutionary tendency among the galaxies would be from the Magellanic type to the most open spiral…; and thence through the other spiral forms… to the elliptical and spherical systems. Recently we have found that spiral arms appear more as condensations in great star fields than as ejections from a central nucleus… The direction of development usually assumed, from compact spheroidal to open spiral, implies the appearance of supergiant stars and star clusters late in the history of a galaxy—an unlikely procedure it seems to me.” (Galaxies, Blakiston Co., 1943, pp. 216 ff.)